Talara Tate
Author of Angsty Romantic Fantasies

Debut Novel
All the Jagged Edges
(September 14, 2023)
I never saw a future for myself. Every time I closed my eyes and tried to dream up a life different from this one, I couldn’t see it. I always believed it was because I would never live long enough to get there, but now I wonder if it’s because my brain could never process the place I’d truly end up. Not even in my wildest dreams.
This place, the one I’m stuck in now, is somewhere between a fantasy and a nightmare. I’ve questioned my sanity more times than I can count. I’ve pinched myself enough to bruise. But I can’t blink away this reality. The one where every creature around me is out for blood, particularly mine. The one where I have to break down barriers I’ve carefully built just to find some answers. The one where I meet him. A world where day and night have no meaning.
Here, in this place, the clock is always counting down. Time is being wasted and I have no way to stop it. I’m helpless and yet, I’m their only hope for salvation.

A dark romance/fantasy story with a wonderland twist. Can’t even explain to you guys how much I love this book and can’t wait for all of you to have the same experience. The way Talara Tate writes is mesmerizing. With extreme attention to detail you will effortlessly be transported into a new realm through her world building on these pages. This is the first story I’ve read where the eventual love interests are both as stubborn and closed off as they come, the enemies to lovers trope is strong in this one and I’m so here for it! All the Jagged Edges is full of hilarious banter, great character development, sweat worthy smut and scenes that will give you heart flutters all in one. When I tell you Atlas is on the throne rent free in my mind I’m not kidding, he’s going to be on the top of your book boyfriend list! I can’t wait to fan girl over this story with you all.
All the Jagged Edges calls on classic themes, plays with well-loved stories and explores the rawest forms of human emotion to create something so wonderfully unique and captivating that it’s impossible not to get sucked right in.
One of the main characters, Harper, suffers through a significant amount of tragedy caused by both external and internal factors. Being in her head could have easily been too heavy, too overwhelming, but that was never the case. Because while there is no shying away from the darkness in Harper’s mind, the author has mastered the skill of finding the humor, even in the morose. This book is funny as fuck.
It’s a fantastical journey of what happens when a broken woman leaves her own world for a foreign one, carrying only the shattered pieces of herself. It’s a complex and volatile love story. It’s flawed characters fighting for their lives. It’s beautifully weird and hilariously strange. And it’s more than worth the trip down the rabbit hole.